The Stories We Tell Ourselves
It’s the stories we tell ourselves that shape our happiness, moods, relationships and environment.
The stories, not false, but not necessarily the entire truth, are just one perspective. It’s about the details you pay attention to and how you shape the narrative of these details.
My challenge to you is to start to notice what you’re telling yourself about what’s going on. Once we get hooked on a story, it’s hard to break away from it. Next, is to not act on the story. Notice how it makes you feel. Try to find the root of the feelings. Determine if it is really true. Journaling is a way to write down and get clear on whether the self-talk you engage in is unfounded or something that needs to be reframed in a different light that motivates change rather than promotes unhealthy patterns and habits. Try to shift yourself into awareness and turn it into something constructive.
It may not be easy to change your mindset; it takes consistent work to operate from a conscious mind rather than unconscious auto pilot. That’s why it’s important to repeat positive affirmations when you catch yourself thinking negatively. As you shift your mindset towards positivity, you will experience a shift in how you feel, behave and operate.