Good Gut, Bad Gut

People always relate health issues to stress, depression and anxiety, but never the food they eat, let alone, the ingredients inside.

What people don't know is that a healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep and digestion. That's quite a long list of problems that can be caused and avoided with the choices of the food you eat. Gut health has a huge impact on whole body health. Your gut and emotions are a two-way street. They both impact on each other. Guy health, not just the food you eat is important to your mental health as well.

Today, there is growing evidence showing the correlation between gut health and numerous health conditions, such as obesity, arthritis and mood disorders. There are many things which adversely affect ‘friendlybacteria within the gut. The ‘microbiome’ consists of microbes inhabiting the gut which is essential for human development, immunity and nutrition. Dysfunctions within this microbiome lead to many chronic illnesses. The good news is that within two to four days of eating the right foods your gut microbiome can change. The not so good news is that our food is filled with additives and GMOs, chemicals and misleading information. Chemical ridden food is responsible for the rise in chronic illnesses. There are 3,000 food additives in our food supply, many of which have not been tested for safety.


So, what kills our gut flora? A typical western diet high in unhealthy fats and processed food and sugar, low in fiber. Unfortunately, we are bombarde by marketing of every type of unhealthy, chemical infused food in the market. The American public is unaware and lacks information to make informed choices. There is this assumption that all food on shelves is safe. But the food industry manipulates and uses tactic in order to continue using chemicals in our foods. The FDA claims that so not to waste government resources, they just let the manufacturer decide whether an ingredient is safe to use or not.

 Does this make any sense?

Healthcare costs, as a result, are making consumers more afraid of medical bills than an actual illness. Big corporations are making billions, whereas health wise, people are getting sicker each year, especially amongst children. It's a vicious cycle of drug companies' greedy interests, and not being responsible to anybody but their own board of directors. Our system is a business which perpetuates disease and only manages it with the drugs they hand out like candy. It is only growing more powerful.

 Our gut has the strongest influence on the immune system. So many of our modern-day illnesses can be prevented and cured.

As we have established, not much is being done to protect us against corporate giants or the FDA and the medical industry is as much as fault. So, what are our options? Eating a healthy, organic diet that will increase beneficial bacterial and decrease harmful ones. That mean changing an unhealthy diet to one that is not processed, not refined, not with concentrated amounts of sugar, grass fed meat, vegetables and fruits. Start reading the labels on foods you purchase. Change lifestyle to decrease stress through meditation and breathwork. Exercise and get out more in nature. Get more quality sleep. Nourish yourselves nutritionally, as well as emotionally.

A good book to read is from the author Vani Hari, known as “The Food Babe”. She pulls back the veil of deception and is on a mission for the truth and transparency from the food industry. She restlessly continues to wage the war on toxins in our foods and I recommend one book of many entitled, "Feeding You Lies". Her goal is to tell people the truth about what they are eating. This book will provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and will help you take greater responsibility for your health.


In conclusion, it's a shame more doctors don't know more about the importance of diet and how it impacts health issues. Nutrition is not a course given in middle school. Nor do they address how lifestyle and emotional health could be causing your symptoms. It's all up to you to improve and educate yourselves to improve the quality of your lives.

 You won't necessarily get this advice from doctors in white jackets.

Health Coaches, while not trained doctors, are important teachers in health care and management. Not everything is based on theory. What works for one may not for another. Nutrition and lifestyle go hand in hand. A Health Coach can help support and empower clients to get more informed and help implement the necessary adjustments towards better health on and off the plate. We tackle wellness, as a whole, as a supportive mentor. Health Coaches don't just focus on diet and nutrition, but assess your well-being as a whole, taking lifestyle factors into the equation. I look forward to helping and working with you on your journey of wellness.


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