How to Find Purpose

Purpose is where we find meaning – what we want to do to contribute.

-       Take steps to change your life and become healthier and happier.

-       Identify any negative thoughts that keep you stuck from moving forward with your life.

-       Explore what career path would make you feel fulfilled.

-       Learn how to make the most of your skills and experience.


Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of your fears. What is your vision for your life? What do you wish to become? As Helen Keller, the deaf/blind American author once said,

Worse than being blind is having sight with no vision

The clearer your vision for the future, the stronger its manifesting pull will be.

Remember, it’s okay if you can’t figure out the whole future. Try to find comfort in the discomfort. Life is uncertain, go with it! Overcome distractions and stop procrastinating. Ask yourself questions. Volunteer or shadow someone. One thing is clear: the consequences of not finding your purpose include chronic lingering dissatisfaction and an absence of inner peace. Dig deep. We all have a life purpose that is hidden within ourselves waiting to be discovered. Don’t give up hope or be discouraged. We all have something valuable to offer.


Good Gut, Bad Gut


Transformative Steps to Change One's Life